This is a way to insert empty or empty-like rows into a list of “seats” that contains not only reservations, but a number saying how many seats a group of people have. If the number is greater than the number of seats, this adds new blank rows for empty seats.
Sub insertBlankRows()
Dim dbs As Database, qdf As QueryDef, strSQL As String
Dim rst As Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT tblSeats.OrganizationId, [MaxOfSeats]-Count([OrganizationId]) AS Difference, " & _
" Count(tblSeats.OrganizationId) AS CountOfOrganizationId, Max(tblSeats.Seats) AS MaxOfSeats " & _
" FROM tblSeats GROUP BY tblSeats.OrganizationId;"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("qryDifferences", dbOpenForwardOnly)
While (Not rst.EOF)
For i = 1 To rst!Difference
insSQL = "INSERT into tblSeats (OrganizationID, LastName, FirstName) VALUES (" _
& rst!OrganizationId & ", '', '')"
' MsgBox (insSQL)
dbs.Execute (insSQL)
End Sub