Multiple WordPress Installations on Multiple Docker Containers Behind a Single Reverse Proxy

How to set up a server to host WordPress MultiSite, on multiple containers, all behind a single IP address.

Apache as a Reverse Proxy for Virtual Hosts

We all know how to do VirtualHosts on Apache, but what if you want to run a web application inside a container, or on another box, or in a virtual machine?

You need to turn Apache in to a reverse proxy. This is also called a gateway. It’s operation is pretty straightforward, and described in the Apache2 docs:

ProxyPass "/foo" ""

That’s pretty simple. When the user hits /foo, they get the pages from

You can use the ProxyPass directive in a VirtualHost section.

On Debian systems, you set up virtual hosts with separate config files. My current one looks like this:

    ProxyPass "/" ""
    ProxyPassReverse "/" ""

Again, it’s pretty straightforward. I have a domain,, that resolves to the above IP address.

When the Host header matches, it matches this VirtualHost scope. The server then maps the root of the URL, / , to requests at

See the Apache mod_proxy docs for more details.

nginx as a Reverse Proxy

Setting Up Let’s Encrypt Certificates

Setting Up a Network of Apache + PHP Containers

Setting Up Minimal Email Sending on Alpine Linux

Setting Up a Shared File Space

Setting Up Shell Aliases to Run WP-CLI Within Containers

Installing WordPress MultiSite

Setting Up a New Site for a Domain

Adjusting the File Upload Limits

In WordPress

In the Container’s PHP and Apache2

In the nginx Reverse Proxy

Migrating a Site from One Installation to Another

Create a Domain Name

Set Up a New Site on the Target WP Installtion

Export the Content from the Original Site

Import the Content on the New Domain

Changing the Reverse Proxy and Virtual Hosts to Send Traffic to the New Site