The WARN act is a law the requires employers to give 90 days notice of any coming mass layoffs. I don’t recall the exact numbers, but, it applies to businesses that have a pretty large number of workers.
These scripts are basically complete, but running them requires moving them into the right directories. Study the sources to figure this out.
split.pl: (splits the text file into individual records)
#! /usr/bin/perl open FH, ">/dev/null"; while() { if ($_ =~ m#([^ ]+.*[^ ]+?).+?(d+?)s+(d+/d+/d+)s#) { $comp = $1; $count = $2; $date = $3; $comp =~ s/[^dw]+/-/g; $comp =~ s/[-]+$//; $date =~ s/[^d]/-/g; $name = "$comp.$count.$date.txt"; open FH, ">splits/$name"; print FH $_; } else { print FH $_; } } close FH;
parse.pl: (read each file and extract the interesting parts)
#! /usr/bin/perl $line = <STDIN>; ## 1st line is the company, count, date, and part of the ## location. split on ctl-U character. $line =~ s/[rn]//g; $line =~ s/ $//g; chomp $line; #print "**$line**n"; $company = ( $line =~ /(.+?)s+?d+/ )[0]; if ($company !~ /cUcU/) { $company =~ s/s+$//g; $line2 = <STDIN>; $line2 =~ s/scUcUs*//g; $company .= " $line2"; $company =~ s/s+$//g; } $company =~ s/s+cUcU//g; #print "**$company**n"; ($count, $date, $location) = ( $line =~ m#$company[scU]+?(d+?)s+?(d+?/d+?/d+?)s+?(w.+?)$# ); #print "**$count**$date**$location**n"; $line = <STDIN>; $line =~ s/[rn]//g; chomp $line; ($street, $location2) = ( $line =~ /(.+?)s+?cUcUs+([A-Z ]+?)$/ ); ##print "**$street**$location2**n"; if (! $location2) { ($street) = ( $line =~ /(.+?)s+?cUcU/ ); ##print "**$street**n"; } else { $location = $location . ' ' . $location2; } #print "**$street**$location**n"; $line = <STDIN>; $line =~ s/[rn]//g; chomp $line; ($city, $state, $zip) = ( $line =~ /^([w ]+?), (ww) ([d-]+?)$/ ); #print "**$city**$state**$zip**n"; if (! $zip) { ($city, $state, $zip, $extra) = ( $line =~ /^([w ]+?), (ww) ([d-]+?)s+(.+)$/ ); $location .= ' '.$extra; } while($line = <STDIN>) { goto BAILOUT if ($line =~ /^Company Contact Name and Telephone Number/ ); $line =~ s/[rn]//g; chomp $line; #print "**$line**n"; } BAILOUT: $line = <STDIN>; $line =~ s/[rn]//g; chomp $line; ($cname, $layoff_or_closure) = ( $line =~ /^(.+?)s+?cUcUs+?Layoff or Closure: (w+?)$/ ); #print "**$cname**$layoff_or_closure**n"; $company_contact = <STDIN>; $company_contact =~ s/[rn]//g; chomp $company_contact; #print "**$company_contact**n"; while( ($line = <STDIN>) !~ /^Union Representation/ ) { ## accumulate contact info here }; $line =~ s/[rn]//g; chomp $line; #print "1**$line**n"; while($line = <STDIN>) { goto CONT if ($line =~ /^Name and Address of Union/); } CONT: $union_contact = ""; while($line = <STDIN>) { goto CONT2 if $line =~ /^Job Title/ ; $line="" if ($line =~ /Name and Address of Union Representing Employees/); $line =~ s/[rn]//g; chomp $line; $union_contact = "$union_contactrn$line" if ($union_contact ne ""); $union_contact = $line if ($union_contact eq ""); }; #print "**$parts**n"; CONT2: print ""$company",$layoff_or_closure,$count,"$date","$location","$street",$city,$state,$zip,"$cname",$company_contact,"$union_contact"rn";
#! /bin/bash for i in *.txt ; do echo $i ./parse.pl < $i >> report.csv done
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layoff.jpg | 30.83 KB |