Dead Pages, Alpine, Docker, Cloud

I’m having some Google indexing problems, with some traffic going to, and some coming to According to Search Console, I still have 367 pages; in reality, I have maybe 40 pages. Some of these pages haven’t been crawled since the middle of 2018.

They don’t show up in search results.

Looking back, I should have saved the sitemap.xml file before I deleted all the pages. Then, I could resubmit the sitemap, and get all the pages touched again.

Alpine Linux

Alpine is a tiny Linux distro, and it’s pretty nice for making Docker containers, because it doesn’t haul around a huge distro with it.

Moving Development Into My Cloud

I’ve been moving around so much that just getting started with coding became a huge pain in the ass. It was bad enough having multiple development environments, but when it was on three different computers running three different operating systems, life just sucked.

There were many things I didn’t like, like Docker Desktop. I did enjoy using Docker in a virtual machine running Linux, and running docker-machine, but that’s now deprecated. You gotta let it go.

So I moved development “into the cloud”. Only, it’s not the cloud, but the slaptech computer in a colo. Yeah, Digital Ocean is cheaper, and faster, but… I like being on my own server.

It’s a throwback, to be using PuTTY and ssh, and Vim, but I like it. No matter which computer I’m using, I can ssh into the “black room” of a shell and Linux.

Two Cheap Computers: $6 and $4

the haul

I bought two computers, real cheap. One was a Kano, a kiddie computer, which is just a Raspberry Pi. $6 at a yard sale. The other, a PogoPlug, was found on Facebook, $4. Total of $10!

That’s the price of a sandwich and soda. Since I’m eating neither, now, I can get new-old hardware.

I was hoping the PogoPlug still worked, so I could use it like Dropbox, but they went out of business a few years ago. So their “lifetime for free” deal pretty much vanished with the company. You can get units on Ebay for around $10, shipped.

I’ll just use it to make backups of work. I’ve used a RPi NAS for this purpose, and it works pretty well. You just need a USB power brick, some cords, an external hard drive or a thumb drive, and the Pi. I’m assuming the Pogo could do the same thing.

This other RPi might become a “thin client”. I originally had plans to make it into a little “app server”, but now that I’ve gone “cloud computing”, I’ll just make my apps up on the “cloud”. Dealing with the Pi will just be a hassle.