Update for April 29, 2019

Here are some new pages on the site.


How to set up filter scripts for Qmail on Debian, a feature that’s not really documented in the tutorials.


Bye Bye Qmail

I had to drop my preferred mail server.


The Best SEO Spam Ever

On one of my other blogs, I get a torrent of SEO comment spam. Reading the spam sometimes help me understand SEO. One I got recently was really clever, and it worked!


Playing with Calculated Fields Forms

CFF is an old WordPress plugin that’s new to me. It creates JavaScript Calculators using a simple spreadsheet-like formula editor. It features a form builder to construct the input form. I used CFF to make a bus vs. car calculator.


I read a book, for a change, and wrote about it: Infopreneurs, Turning Data into Dollars, published in 1991. A fun, quick, read that blew my mind.


Interesting Links

The Mueller Report – whatever side you’re on, or what you thought of the election, it’s fascinating reading about the trolling operations.


Mide.php, WordPress Hacker Shell

Digging through the 404 errors, I found requests for mide.php, which isn’t a file on my server. Here’s a copy of that program.


I’ll write about digging through 404s in the future.

WIRED has a long article about Open Source. It’s pretty good.


My only gripe is that Open Source code is called more “permissive” than Libre/Free GPL’d code. OS code is more enclosable or can be made more proprietary than GPL’d code, which requires sharing of the source code for derivative works. The former allows one person to take freedoms away from another person – and I don’t see that as more “permissive”.