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Gone Missing from the Keyboard

Numerous things have pulled me away from doing tech work, the big one being a mishap that flooded our apartment, and necessitated my moving, temporarily, to my mom’s. Since I sell on Ebay, I have a ton of “inventory” that needed to be moved, sold, etc. I also moved all my computers.

So I spent a lot of time selling off things.

I also had to drive my friend to medical appointments and other stuff because he’s also had some relatives having serious health issues. Then, the landlord moved slowly on repairs, so I had to complain to the city housing department inspectors. It’s like dominoes tumbling 🙁

New Techie Stuff

JavaScript Date and Daylight Saving Time – I observed some confusing behavior from the JS date function, until I realized it was adjusting the time I saw because Daylight Saving Time applied on some days.

How to Reduce Your Bounce RateI got my bounce rate down from 90% to less than 50%, without altering the articles. It’s depressing to see high bounce rates in Google Analytics. The issue could be that GA has no way of knowing if someone is reading your articles or exiting the page. Using Google Tag Manager, it’s possible to send a signal to Google Analytics when the reader scrolls to some point on the page.

The readers scroll, and the bounce rate drops!

Oldies Reposted

Adding a WP-CLI Command to Your Plugin – an old article explaining how to create a shell command that runs inside your WP installed environment. This way, the command can access the site’s database, site configuration, use WP libraries, etc.

Interesting Link

I’m not sure what aNewDomain is – a group blog, some kind of article bucket for linkbaity articles, a tech news site, or a politics site. I just saw some familiar names, Ted Rall being the main one. I have been an on-and-off fan since he was writing for Maximum Rock And Roll.

Gina Smith, author of iWoz, founded the site, and I always liked her writing in the SF Chron and Examiner, but never kept up. I also saw John Dvorak and Jerry Pournelle in the list of authors… so more familiar names.

Smith recently wrote the awesome linkbait INFOGRAPHIC: Why You Should Google Yourself More. For reals! It’s something I’ve started to do, trying to ghost myself on the Internet.

Photo copyright 2019 John Kawakami.