December 18, 2018 Update

This month, our “hobby” server took a big dump, and we said, “screw it, we need to install the ‘new’ server.” This “new” server is a few years old, but switching servers is such a huge pain in the ass that we avoided it.

Besides, the old server has been pretty reliable. We’ve had to replace the power supply, a hard drive, and memory, but… not bad for 10+ years. Fsck even fixed it up, but re-racking a heavy 2RU, decade+ year old server is a terrible idea.

I’ve got three new articles, and the first two are from this upgrade:

One new page is an aggregation of a series from a while back about fixing my personal computer:

  • The Crashing Computer Series – Long notes about how I diagnosed and fixed my crashing personal computer (it was RAM). Don’t do what I did.

I’ll try to share one article I’ve read that’s tech/internet in each post.

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